• Re: Rewire fsxnet

    From Exodus@21:1/144 to Stizzed on Fri Jan 17 16:06:32 2025
    Not anymore. I did until Spitfire! stopped working. Author passed this la year and he had a kill switch for 01/01/25. I have taken it down.

    Guess it's time to reset that pc clock so that y2k bug won't hit until it's 1-1-25 again. :)

    ... Messiah Complex? Me? Well, let me just sayeth unto you......

    --- Renegade v1.35/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (21:1/144)
  • From Stizzed@21:2/111 to Exodus on Fri Jan 17 15:36:14 2025
    Guess it's time to reset that pc clock so that y2k bug won't hit until it's 1-1-25 again. :)

    hahaha! Yeah, we hardcore Spitfire! SysOps considered that but decided to
    let it go quietly into the night just as the author. All good things...

    Best to you!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/06/11 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Leisure Time BBS (21:2/111)
  • From deon@21:2/116 to Stizzed on Sat Jan 18 10:01:40 2025
    Re: Re: Rewire fsxnet
    By: Stizzed to deon on Fri Jan 17 2025 07:41 am


    There are four BBS names listed on your website, as follows:
    The rock
    The ROCK BBS

    I managed to edit the first in the list, which had no data other than the name. I changed it and configured it as 'The ROCK III', adding my information. It can now be found under my account though interestingly still indexed in the search results as 'The rock'.

    OK, the first one was created by you - and the other 3 will identified by nodelist imports. I've consolidated them all down to one system.

    As I indicated, i attempted to link each as I can tell that at least two of them are agoranet and zeronet. however, agoranet errors indicating that there is not enough information (or words to that effect) and that I should contact the admin. The zeronet linking just flat out fails when i enter the code received via netmail (i tried three times, definition of insanity, right?).

    Hmmm... I didnt see any of those systems with an agoranet address (with your BBS name against it anyway)... Anyway, I'm not part of agoranet - is it still around?

    The "linking" code is tied to the BBS id, so if part of the linking process you select the wrong BBS it wont work no. Anyway, I've linked the consildated system to your user so you can now see/edit it as you need.

    Not being familiar with your website or what it proposes to do Im a bit leary of poking around too much. Im sure its quite simple really but unable

    I dont mind poking around trying stuff. If you can do something that you shouldnt thats a bug :)

    Anyway, did Paul enable you on Hub 4 (I thought I saw him respond)? I can enable you with your Hub 4 address, so you can have another feed of FSX, but netmail wont flow here - it'll still go to Hub 4. If Paul enabled you then you dont need to feed from me if you dont want. Let me know...

    The only other net I could feed you, if you wanted, is fidonet but I imagine you have that covered?

    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (21:2/116)
  • From Stizzed@21:2/111 to deon on Fri Jan 17 18:13:03 2025
    OK, the first one was created by you - and the other 3 will identified by nodelist imports. I've consolidated them all down to one system.

    Awesome. I looked around and see that you have them consolidated
    accurately. I even see my old scinet and fsxnet nodes (though disabled). Scinet shut down a very long time ago so nothing to do there.

    Hmmm... I didnt see any of those systems with an agoranet address (with your BBS name against it anyway)... Anyway, I'm not part of agoranet -
    is it still around?

    I do, agoranet node is 46:10/117 (I think there are only about 30 or 40 of us left there. I do see zeronet and both fidonet addresses. Thanks for that! So, can I add my agoranet address?

    The "linking" code is tied to the BBS id, so if part of the linking process you select the wrong BBS it wont work no. Anyway, I've linked
    the consildated system to your user so you can now see/edit it as you need.

    That is very helpful, indeed! Thanks!

    I dont mind poking around trying stuff. If you can do something that you shouldnt thats a bug :)

    Ummm, as somewhat of a developer myself (over the years) Id chuckle
    thinking 'be careful what you wish for' ;)

    Anyway, did Paul enable you on Hub 4 (I thought I saw him respond)? I can enable you with your Hub 4 address, so you can have another feed of FSX, but netmail wont flow here - it'll still go to Hub 4. If Paul enabled
    you then you dont need to feed from me if you dont want. Let me know...

    Paul did not enable anything for me tmk. He mentioned that he would contact
    me thursday but I have seen nothing from him to date. My preference would be to stay in 21:4/ and perhaps even keep my old node number if possible but that has to be up to Paul, methinks... As Ive stated before, under the circumstances, im not complaining...

    The only other net I could feed you, if you wanted, is fidonet but I imagine you have that covered?

    Ive been running on fidonet in one capacity or another for a very long time. Im all set there, thanks!

    Im open to any suggestions but have no problem waiting for Paul to set things up if/when he has time. Im on his schedule, not mine...

    Best to you!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/06/11 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Leisure Time BBS (21:2/111)
  • From neoshock@21:1/150 to Warpslide on Fri Jan 17 16:47:44 2025
    I take advantage of Mystic's personal twit filter.

    Just add a (UF) Edit Twit Filter menu option, add the unfriendly names
    as they slither out of the woodwork.

    Hi Warpslide, thanks for that I just learned something new :)

    Lloyd (neoshock) sysop @ Vintage Pi BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (21:1/150)
  • From Accession@21:1/200 to Stizzed on Fri Jan 17 18:45:22 2025
    Hey Stizzed!

    On Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:13:02 -0600, you wrote ..

    Hmmm... I didnt see any of those systems with an agoranet address
    (with your BBS name against it anyway)... Anyway, I'm not part of
    agoranet - is it still around?

    Maybe. :)

    I do, agoranet node is 46:10/117 (I think there are only about 30 or 40
    of us left there. I do see zeronet and both fidonet addresses. Thanks for that! So, can I add my agoranet address?

    130+ systems in the current nodelist. Sometimes, network-wide participation slows down to a studdering crawl - and maybe that's partially my fault for not trying to spark up or invent new conversations on a daily basis.. or give everyone daily updates about my life as a construction worker while I stalk the night, in one of my many super suits, as a sysop in my free time - but most of those systems are connectable and are answering via binkp. So "only about 30 or 40 of us left there" is probably kind of a very far-fetched guess, methinks.

    Anyhow, if you want to make sure you're still connected/linked to Agoranet (or any network, for that matter), making contact with your uplink (which, if you're using 46:10 it would most likely be Andrew Leary; since there are only two "hubs" in Agoranet, and I'm one of them).

    I'm not sure where it became assumed that this clrghaus thing was a hub for all networks, including all of the ones it's not connected/linked to, but that's false information.

    Thank you, kind sir, and have a great day!


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (21:1/200)
  • From Stizzed@21:2/111 to Accession on Fri Jan 17 21:22:45 2025
    I do, agoranet node is 46:10/117 (I think there are only about 30 or of us left there. I do see zeronet and both fidonet addresses. Than for that! So, can I add my agoranet address?

    130+ systems in the current nodelist. Sometimes, network-wide participation slows down to a studdering crawl - and maybe that's partially my fault for not trying to spark up or invent new
    conversations on a daily basis.. or give everyone daily updates about my life as a construction worker while I stalk the night, in one of my many super suits, as a sysop in my free time - but most of those systems are connectable and are answering via binkp. So "only about 30 or 40 of us left there" is probably kind of a very far-fetched guess, methinks.

    I suppose it would have been more appropriate for me to characterize it as having 30 or 40 active posters. And to be clear, I have been off the grid for some time (thus this thread) so am certainly no authority on the network
    which has BTW kept humming along.

    Anyhow, if you want to make sure you're still connected/linked to
    Agoranet (or any network, for that matter), making contact with your uplink (which, if you're using 46:10 it would most likely be Andrew
    Leary; since there are only two "hubs" in Agoranet, and I'm one of them).

    I am. No problems here.

    I'm not sure where it became assumed that this clrghaus thing was a hub for all networks, including all of the ones it's not connected/linked
    to, but that's false information.

    I get that. It s a nice idea that ive taken a look at. It was offered up by Deon as a quick way to reconnect to fsxnet and it could certainly work. I
    may well end up using it. However, Im currently awaiting Pauls response to retain my old node number which was lost when my hub went down while I was comms-out.

    Thank you, kind sir, and have a great day!

    See you on agoranet!

    Best to you, friend!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/06/11 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Leisure Time BBS (21:2/111)
  • From Accession@21:1/200 to Stizzed on Sat Jan 18 17:13:18 2025
    Hey Stizzed!

    On Sat, Jan 18 2025 03:22:44 -0600, you wrote ..

    I suppose it would have been more appropriate for me to characterize it as having 30 or 40 active posters. And to be clear, I have been off the grid for
    some time (thus this thread) so am certainly no authority on the network which has BTW kept humming along.

    When I see aliases, I don't really take the time to figure out who I'm actually talking to. A lot of people I know either by alias, or by real name, but sometimes it's hard to decipher between both. I had thought you were just some rando talking smack about another network in this one. :)

    I am. No problems here.

    I noticed! Glad you didn't have any issues with your feed. Andrew is very reliable, which is why he's helping me out.

    I get that. It s a nice idea that ive taken a look at. It was offered up by
    Deon as a quick way to reconnect to fsxnet and it could certainly work. I may well end up using it. However, Im currently awaiting Pauls response to retain my old node number which was lost when my hub went down while I was comms-out.

    I think even if you link with Paul, you can use some of the features of it. Or at least it has seemed so with others in the recent past.


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
    * Origin: The Pharcyde ~ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (21:1/200)
  • From Stizzed@21:2/111 to Accession on Sat Jan 18 19:04:11 2025
    On 18 Jan 2025, Accession said the following...

    When I see aliases, I don't really take the time to figure out who I'm actually talking to. A lot of people I know either by alias, or by real name, but sometimes it's hard to decipher between both. I had thought
    you were just some rando talking smack about another network in this
    one. :)

    No worries brother! I've had some struggles over the past 6 months or so
    and have not been on the echoes. Just getting back and hitting it hard though. Lots to do on the board. And of course, I would never make disparaging comments about anyones hard work. And I know the work required to keep these beasts going.

    I noticed! Glad you didn't have any issues with your feed. Andrew is very reliable, which is why he's helping me out.

    Never an issue...

    I think even if you link with Paul, you can use some of the features of it. Or at least it has seemed so with others in the recent past.

    Yeah, its kind of interesting but I'd really like to get my old net/node
    number back. I do not appear to be able to do that on the website so I
    emailed Paul a 'new guy' request and asked for the old one back.

    Best to you!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/06/11 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Leisure Time BBS (21:2/111)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to Stizzed on Sun Jan 19 16:52:03 2025
    On 17 Jan 2025 at 06:13p, Stizzed pondered and said...

    Anyway, did Paul enable you on Hub 4 (I thought I saw him respond)? I enable you with your Hub 4 address, so you can have another feed of F but netmail wont flow here - it'll still go to Hub 4. If Paul enabled you then you dont need to feed from me if you dont want. Let me know.

    Paul did not enable anything for me tmk. He mentioned that he would contact me thursday but I have seen nothing from him to date. My preference would be to stay in 21:4/ and perhaps even keep my old node number if possible but that has to be up to Paul, methinks... As Ive stated before, under the circumstances, im not complaining...

    Hi there, sorry for the delay but this is done and you should have an email from me with the set up info etc... same node as last time.

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From stizzed@21:4/156 to Avon on Sat Jan 18 22:55:15 2025
    Done, and Done...

    Thank you Paul!

    Best to you!

    .\\ichael (a.k.a. StiZzed)
    SysOp, The ROCK BBS III

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (21:4/156)
  • From Avon@21:1/101 to stizzed on Sun Jan 19 17:11:51 2025
    On 18 Jan 2025 at 10:55p, stizzed pondered and said...

    Done, and Done...
    Thank you Paul!
    Best to you!

    Awesome, all good, sorry for the delay.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The ROCK III - therockbbs.net - TELNET:10023 (21:4/156)

    Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
  • From Accession@21:1/200 to Stizzed on Sat Jan 18 22:13:44 2025
    Hey Stizzed!

    On Sun, Jan 19 2025 01:04:10 -0600, you wrote ..

    Lots to do on the board.

    There's always lots to do, no matter if you've been griding at it daily or come back to it after a bit. :)


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
    * Origin: The Pharcyde ~ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (21:1/200)